Local changes in Pudsey

Find out more about how your views have influenced change at a local level...

November 2019

You said: Our grounds maintenance providers were not delivering the standard of service residents wanted and expected.

We did: We invited residents on this leasehold scheme to nominate their own locally-based contractor to provide the grounds maintenance service. We consulted with residents about the specification, and asked successful nominees to provide a quote based on the enhanced specification.

December 2020

You said: Due to the circumstances surrounding the coronavirus, we were unable to hold the usual AGM and pre-budget meetings face-to-face with residents on this leasehold scheme.

We did: Instead of cancelling or postponing the meeting, we held it online. In advance of the meeting, the local Homeownership Specialist recorded a presentation of the annual accounts, explaining any variations in charges. A recording of the meeting was posted online for the benefit of residents who had not been able to attend.

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