Local changes in March
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December 2020
You said: Due to the circumstances surrounding the coronavirus, we were unable to hold the usual AGM and pre-budget meetings face-to-face with residents on this leasehold scheme.
We did: Instead of cancelling or postponing the meeting, we held it online. In advance of the meeting, the local Homeownership Specialist recorded a presentation of the annual accounts, explaining any variations in charges. A recording of the meeting was posted online for the benefit of residents who had not been able to attend.
March 2022
You said: Residents complained about dog fouling.
We did: Residents and staff carried out an inspection of the scheme, accompanied by Fenland District Council. The walkabout provided residents with an opportunity to highlight any areas of concern and to discuss issues on the estate with particular focus on dog ownership and fouling. We issued each household with a leaflet, reminding them of their responsibilities as pet-owners, with information on how to report dog fouling.