The amount you need to pay will depend on where you live. Check your notification booklet in your MyAccount to double-check how much your rent and service charge costs, or speak to your housing partner, specialist housing manager or leasehold and homeownership partner.
Ways to pay your rent and service charges
We’ve made it easy for you to pay your charges by offering a range of ways to pay, from online to over the phone, or in person with a swipe card. In some cases, you’ll have to pay a specific way. This will be explained in your lease or agreement.
Direct Debit is the easiest, safest and most convenient way to pay your charges. Once it’s set up, your payment is automatically taken from your account on the same day each month. It’s automatic, so you don’t have to remember to do anything – even if the amount you pay changes.
The easiest way to set up a Direct Debit is to call us on 0345 678 0555, we’ll help you set up your Direct Debit over the phone.
Alternatively, you can fill in this Direct Debit form and return it to us via email.
How much control do I have with Direct Debit?
Even though the money comes out of your account automatically, you’re still in control, and free to choose on what date and how often your payments are made. For instance, you might prefer to have the money come out of your account the day after you get your wages or benefits. Any payments will be taken on or immediately after the date you have chosen.
How safe is Direct Debit?
Under the Direct Debit guarantee, if Accent, your bank, or your building society make a mistake, you are guaranteed a full and immediate refund of the amount paid.
What happens if my rent changes?
If your rent is going to change, we’ll give you at least 30 days' notice. As long as you wish to continue paying by Direct Debit, you don’t have to do anything – we’ll handle this for you.
Can I cancel a Direct Debit?
Yes, you can cancel your Direct Debit. To do this, please contact us via the form on our Contact us page.
allpay is a secure, convenient way you can pay your rent. You can pay through its app on your phone, its website, or its telephone service.
- download the app for Android
- download the app for iPhone
- pay via their website
- pay by SMS text
- pay by calling allpay on 0330 041 6497 - you’ll need your 19-digit payment reference (contact us if you don’t have this)
If you don’t have your payment reference number, please Contact Us.
If you prefer to pay in person, we can organise to have an easy payment (swipe) card posted to your address.
Once you have it, you can pay your rent at the post office, or anywhere that has a PayPoint or PayZone sign.
When paying with an easy payment (swipe) card, remember to always keep your receipt or payment reference number. It can take up to 48 hours for the payment to appear on your account.
Request an easy payment (swipe) card now via the form on our Contact us page.

Worried about paying your rent and/or service charge?
If you're concerned or worried about paying your rent and/or service charge, don’t keep it to yourself.
We’re here to help – read our advice page now.