Accent's statistics
Management Performance Information
Below, you can find information on how we perform across our housing services.
This information comes from our general needs homes, housing for older people, supported housing, intermediate rent, (a rental choice for lower to moderate income households), temporary accommodation and our shared ownership homes.
We measure these directly through the information we hold on our systems, which is reported to the Regulator of Social Housing.
100% of homes
have had all required gas safety checks
100% of homes
have had all required asbestos management surveys or reinspections
100% of homes
have had all required fire risk assessments
100% of homes
of homes have had all required legionella risk assessments
99.3% of homes
have had all required communal passenger lift safety checks
0% of homes
do not meet the Decent Homes Standard
Anti-social behaviour
34.2 anti-social behaviour cases
opened per 1,000 homes
1.1 anti-social behaviour cases
that involve hate incidents opened per 1,000 cases
of non-emergency responsive repairs completed
within the landlord’s target timescale (LCRA properties)
of emergency responsive repairs completed
within the landlord’s target timescale (LCRA properties)
Complaints and customer service
52.1 stage one complaints
received per 1,000 homes. (37.6 for LCHO)
7.6 stage two complaints
received per 1,000 homes. (9.0 for LCHO)
stage one complaints
responded to within target timeframe.* (64% for LCHO)
stage two complaints
responded to within target timeframe.* (75% for LCHO)
*Timeframe according to Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code
Tenant satisfaction and feedback
We measure these through an annual perception survey.
This information comes the survey we did in 2023 with our general needs homes, housing for older people, supported housing, intermediate rent, (a rental choice for lower to moderate income households), temporary accommodation and our shared ownership homes.
in rented homes
happy with overall service from their landlord (32.8% for LCHO)
who received a repair
in the last 12 months were satisfied with repair
who received a repair in the last 12 months
were satisfied with the time taken
their home is well-maintained
in rented homes
satisfied their home is safe. (47.6% for LCHO)
satisfied their landlord listens to their views
and takes appropriate action (22.7% for LCHO)
satisfied that their landlord
keeps them informed about things that matter to them. (37.7% for LCHO)
agreed their landlord
treats them fairly and with respect. (37.4% for LCHO)
who made a complaint in the last 12 months
were satisfied with their landlord's response (8.4% for LCHO)
satisfied their landlord
keeps communal areas clean and well maintained (33.7% for LCHO)
satisfied their landlord
makes a positive contribution to the neighbourhood (21% for LCHO)
satisfied with their landlord's approach
to anti-social behaviour (23.5% for LCHO)
The above statistics and information correct as of 31 March 2024.
Download supporting information
Results from tenants in our low-cost rented accommodation (LCRA) - for customers who rent their home from us.
Results from tenants in our low-cost homeownership accommodation (LCHO)
More information on how we did the TSM perception survey.
Take a look at the survey we asked customers in 2023.
We send out surveys to our customers to find out more about your experiences with our services.
If you want to opt out of future surveys please contact our customer service team who will be happy to help.
Click here to see how Accent performed in the 2024/25 TSMs.