Yorkshire Grounds Maintenance Consultation

As part of our commitment to deliver a grounds maintenance service that offers value for money and quality, we are currently speaking with customers across our Yorkshire region.  

In areas where we have an ‘output-based specification,’ (where contractors do not need to attend at set times, as long as they meet the agreed specification), we are asking customers if they would like to see that change. We understand that this type of specification can make it difficult to know when grounds maintenance is due to be carried out and what standard it is meant to achieve. 

We are now consulting customers in Yorkshire who receive this type of service to see if they would prefer a contract which is based both on frequency and output, meaning the contractor attends at set times and meets a set specification for the standard of work. This type of specification should provide customers with more assurances around how often contractors attend and allow them to scrutinise their work more closely, raising any issues or concerns as necessary.

This forms part of our continuing commitment to all our customers, to work more closely with you and give you a greater say in the services you receive and how they are delivered.  

We are currently in the consultation process with the customers affected by the change. The consultation will close on 3 December 2023, and we will publish the results in the New Year.

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