National Specialist Housing Residents’ Panel - Members Wanted!

At Accent our door is always open, and we welcome your feedback to help us make improvements to our services.

Focus groups are another great way in which you can let us have your feedback and we are looking for customers who live in our specialist housing schemes to join our new national specialist housing residents' panel.

Members come together to discuss various issues and ideas, helping us to improve our services for the benefit of all specialist housing residents. The group has already met a couple of times, but we are still looking for members to represent all our areas of operation so we can be sure we hear as many voices, and act on as many views, as possible.  

If you can say yes to these questions, we would love to hear from you:

  • Could you engage with other residents then raise and discuss the issues on their behalf of all Accent residents?
  • Could you see points of view from all sides and work with other residents and Accent to reach a decision that benefits everyone?
  • Could you spare a couple of hours every couple of months to read papers and attend a virtual meeting to discuss various issues?
  • Could you take part in lively debates which affect all residents, but leave any personal issues to be resolved separately?
  • Could you work with other residents and tenants to share solutions that can be considered?

If you can answer yes, and you’d like to find out more, why not have a chat about what is involved in being a member of our national specialist housing residents' panel? Please speak to your specialist housing partner or contact Tanya Scott on 0345 678 0555 or    

We look forward to hearing from you.

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