Our First In Depth Assessment Retains our Top Ratings

Accent Retains Highest Regulatory Ratings

It was revealed today, 26 June 2019, that we have retained the highest regulatory ratings a housing association can achieve with a G1 for governance and V1 for financial viability following our first in-depth assessment (IDA) by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH).

The ratings reflect the regulator's assurance on the way we are governed and managed, and our financial stability.

Chief Executive Paul Dolan is delighted with the results: "Maintaining this top rating reflects the dedication, commitment and hard work of our team, the strength of our governance and our ability to responsibly keep growing as an organisation to support and provide housing for even more customers in need.”

Paul added: “Despite such a great result, we will not be complacent. Our ambitious corporate strategy promises a new dawn for Accent, and we will continue to work hard to ensure our customers benefit from a service which is continually improved upon.”


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