Accent’s strategic partnerships | Accent

What are strategic partnerships?

To encourage organisations in the UK to build better housing, Homes England regularly seeks out strong partnerships with housing providers. By working together, it makes it easier for housing providers to access:

  • better, more certain funding, making it easier to plan long-term and build bigger, riskier and more ambitious projects
  • support outside of grant funding with both Homes England and other housing providers
  • flexible delivery schedules, giving providers the means to adapt to market conditions

Accent’s strategic partner work

In 2021, we became one of Homes England’s strategic partners, working closely with them to secure long-term funding to build 2,809 new affordable homes worth over £800 million. Between 2021 and 2026, we’ll receive funding of £216 million from the strategic partnership to help us achieve this ambitious goal.

Just over half of our new homes built will be for affordable rent, with some using modern Modern Methods of Construction (MMC).

Our new homes are being built in the

  • South East
  • East Midlands
  • West Midlands
  • East of England
  • North East, Yorkshire & Humber

We must have all our building work begun by 31 March 2026 latest, and finish two years later by 31 March 2028.

As of autumn 2024, we’ve already delivered 1,636 starts on site, or 58% of our target, while 307 homes have already been completed, or 11% of our target.

Our development partners

To help us with our plans to build 2,809 new homes, we’re working with four delivery partners.