Affordable Housing Programme 2021 to 2026 Scheme Claiming for repairs to your new shared ownership home

Did you buy your home under the AHP (Affordable Housing Programme) 2021 to 2026 and own less than a 100% share? If so, you'll be able to claim up to £500 a year to help with essential repairs or replacement for up to 10 years from when the build was completed.

What can I claim for?

You can claim for essential repairs or replacements of installations relating to your supply of water, gas and electricity. This includes fixing water, gas, or electricity setups (including basins, sinks and baths) along with pipes, drainage, and heating systems. This doesn’t include fixtures, fittings and appliances such as ovens and washing machines.

Where can I see how much I can claim and for how many years?

You can find out the amount you can claim each year and the number of years left of your 10-year-period in your ‘Key information about the home’ document.

What if I go over this amount, or after the repair period ends?

You will need to pay for any repairs and maintenance costs over your allowance, or after the initial repair period ends. If you do not claim the full repairs allowance in one year, up to one year's allowance will roll over to the following year. The following example shows how the repairs allowance works if you claim in years 2 and 3:

Year Repairs allowance Allowance claimed for repairs Roll over to next year
1 £500 £0 £500
2 £1,000 (£500 + £500) £750 £250
3 £750 (£500 + £250) £0 £500

What happens if I move out?

​The repairs allowance moves to the new owner for however long is left of the 10-year-period, unless they buy the whole home outright.

How do I make a claim?

Report your repair to us by completing and returning both PDF forms below:

Accent will then decide whether the repair is covered by this scheme in a fair and consistent manner. It will take us around 7 working days to review your claim, and we will let you know if it has been approved or rejected. To help us with this decision, we may send someone out to look at your home or contact contractors to check the claim amount. We will not process any claims until the work has been carried out.

For repairs, you'll need to use approved tradespeople or professionals endorsed by Trustmark. Repairs and maintenance costs over the allowance amount, as well as any general repairs and maintenance within your home, will be your responsibility.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact our Leasehold and Homeownership Team.

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