In this section you’ll find information about rent and charges at Accent, including estate charges, service charges and how to pay.

The amount you pay in rent and charges will vary depending on where you live, the services you receive and the type of home you live in. You could find that your charges are different to those of even your close neighbour.

The best way to find out how much you pay is by checking your charge notification booklet. You can find a copy on your MyAccount. You can also contact us or speak with your Housing Partner, Scheme Manager or Leasehold and Homeownership Partner.

If you have any questions, need more information or a more detailed explanation, or you want to discuss your specific situation or circumstances, our team is just a message or call away. We’re here to help you make the most of your living experience with us and support you if you need assistance.

We’re here to help

If you’re ever struggling to pay your rent or charges, we’re here for you. Visit our supporting you pages for more information.

Occasionally the rent and service charge year has 53 weeks instead of 52. This will be the case for 2024/25, meaning that from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025 there will be 53 Mondays. 

You may or may not be affected by this, depending on the frequency of your charges, how you pay and any benefits you receive.

Visit our 53 Week Financial Year page for more. 


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