Staying Safe from Kitchen Fires

Did you know that over half the fires in the home start in the kitchen, and that the number one cause of all cooking fires is down to leaving the stove unattended?

It's easy to forget how dangerous everyday cooking can be when we heat grease or oil at high temperatures. It’s also easy to lose focus on a hot stove ‘for just a minute’ which is sometimes all the time needed for a fire to take hold. 

We have responded to a few reports of kitchen fires this year, which have led to customers being treated in hospital and some damage to our homes.  

If you have a fire in your home, no matter what the cause or where it starts, please refer to the guidance on our website.

Some of our homes have what is known as a ‘stay put policy’ These policies generally apply to customers living in independent living schemes or blocks of flats, but please check to see which applies to you with your local team or your scheme manager.

Customers living under ‘stay put’ policies should close all the windows and doors and stay where they are. These homes are designed to resist fire for 60 minutes – in this time the emergency services will respond to the fire and prioritise your safety. Only leave your flat if it is affected by fire or smoke, or when you are advised to do so by the fire and rescue service.

If the ‘stay put’ policy does not apply to your home, (mostly if you do not live in a block or independent living scheme), please make sure you have a plan of what to do if your home catches fire.

If you ever have a fire:

  • Do not tackle it yourself, unless it is easily and safely extinguished. Leave it to the professionals otherwise.
  • If the door is closed to the room where the fire is, do not open it.
  • Tell everyone in your home to leave immediately by the nearest exit and close the door behind you. Before you open a door check if it’s warm. If it is, don’t open it – the fire is on the other side.
  • If there’s smoke, keep low where the air is clearer.
  • Assemble in a safe place, well away from any danger and where someone can meet the fire and rescue service.
  • Dial 999 and ask for the fire service, giving your full address and postcode.

We have lots of fire sand safety advice on our website which can help you reduce the risk of fire in your home and help you to make your own fire plans if you live in your own, individual home which doesn’t have a fire policy.

The Fire Service responsible for your area will offer free home fire safety checks if you ask for one. They offer professional advice and guidance on all fire risks. Please contact your local fire station for more information.


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