Looking After your Welfare

Our Welfare Calls

Times might be uncertain at the present, but we are doing our very best to support you through them.

With our welfare calls, we are checking in on you, just to make sure things are okay. We might have to do these a bit differently, as we can’t visit you in person, but we have contacted almost 4,500 of you by telephone. 

We’ve been able to offer some help, advice or just be there for a chat, and we’ve had some really lovely feedback from you, so thank you.  

Here are just a few of the comments we’ve had from you.

Thank you for the call. It shows Accent cares about residents. I haven’t spoken to anyone for a few days so it’s nice to have a general chat with someone.”

“I have a lift over my bath but my family can’t visit at the moment, and I can’t bathe on my own."  (We didn’t know this resident was having difficulties so we are now looking into providing a walk n shower).  

“I’ve been unable to see my son which is really affecting me. I am thankful for the call from Accent, I just wanted someone to talk it through with.”

I’m so lonely, can I turn my TV down so I can speak to you?” (We talked to this resident for an hour and will call her again this week.  

I care for my wife and support my son who has now been diagnosed with cancer.  I’m really grateful for the call and it shows that people care.”

One of our residents lives alone and has no family to support him. When we called, we found he had hardly any food or any way of collecting his medication. We helped him register for the government's weekly food parcel delivery scheme, and prescription deliveries, but we knew it would take some time for these to set up, so we contacted his local good neighbourhood support group. They delivered a food parcel that very same day and, when they delivered his prescription, they also brought him some surprise cakes and goodies. The support will continue until he receives the government's food parcels. Our resident was very relieved and happy for our support. 

Another resident was struggling with hoarding, but we have helped to get her life back on track. Starting with some simple hoarding of family items, the problem had grown and came to a head recently when our electricians could not complete our important safety checks. With the resident promising to fill it, we arranged a skip. She got so involved with clearing out, she ordered her own skip and cleared everything she had been hoarding. We could hear the joy in her voice when we called to check in. She was in the middle of decorating her bedroom, something she wouldn't have been able to do. 

If you would like a welfare call, please let us know. You don't have to need help or advice, we are here even if you just want to chat, particularly if you are self-isolating or living on your own. We know a call can make all the difference to someone who is struggling at the moment. 

Stay safe

Claire Stone, Executive Director of Customer Experience




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