Supporting You

We are here to help if you're ever struggling to pay your rent or service charges.

We can help you with:

  • Your rent or service charge account and payments
  • Budgeting
  • Welfare support and how to apply
  • Identifying opportunities to reduce your expenditure so you can pay your priority bills

We can also signpost you to other services:

  • We also work with other organisations who provide expert support and advice with managing debt, including StepChange and Money Helper.
  • The Debt Advice service from Money Helper can help you find other local agencies closer to where you live, and the Money Navigator tool can provide you with an action plan based on your personal situation. Money Helper have also recently launched a new section on their website called 'Find your way forward'. It's designed to help anyone, who might be worried about their current financial situation to find a way forward and take the first step towards getting on top of things, and includes useful tools including a Bill Prioritiser. A quick, and easy-to-use tool, the Bill prioritiser will help you understand which bills and payments to deal with first and how to avoid missing any payments.
  • You can also use our budget calculator and welfare support calculator and find the latest Universal Credit Advice

If you are worried about your financial situation, or you are struggling to pay your rent or other bills and you'd like to speak to us, please get in touch so we can help. 

Get ready for winter

We've put together some details of the financial help that may be available to you, plus hints, tips and general information about energy and household costs.

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