Get Involved With 'Your Voice'

Your Voice is the platform we use to connect us to our community of involved customers called ‘The Accent 1000’.

Your Voice offers you:

  • The opportunity to take part in surveys and consultations on a broad range of topics.
  • Keep up to date with improvements to our services, often based on your feedback.
  • Direct contact with our Customer Engagement Specialist
  • Quicker responses to comments and feedback about our services
  • Be invited to customer feedback events taking place across the business
  • The opportunity to compare experiences with other members across the country

To make the most out of Your Voice, you’ll need to create an account using the registration form. Please make a note of your login details and keep them somewhere safe.

Click here to sign up or view your account. 

We hope you enjoy using Your Voice and we look forward to hearing from you.

Any questions, email us

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