Customer voice is very important to us, and we understand that customer feedback is vital to the successful delivery of our services. 

Customers can engage and feedback in several ways, such as through the housing hub, their housing partner and through our formal customer voice group.

This is a group of customers who we work with to understand the needs and priorities of customers. Being part of this group is an opportunity for customers to put across their views, share ideas and help us to shape the services that our customers receive such as supporting us to review policies and procedures.

Members take part in surveys, polls, consultations, and focus groups. Communication with members is mainly online via email and our engagement platform ‘Your Voice’.

You do not need to have any experience in customer involvement to join, nor do you have to take part in every survey or consultation. Membership is voluntary but we do reimburse expenses for travel to and from any meetings.

For more information, please download the Terms of Reference.

Get Involved

Please Note: Our customer engagement group is for existing Accent customers only.

If you're not an existing customer then unfortunately you'll not be able to join.

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